

Niel & Marie Bester

Around mid 2001 we realised that schools care very little about children's individual gifts and talents and the development there of. They prefer if children are average in everything rather that excellent in something. And so we decided to take our eldest daughter, just over five at the time, out of school.But what now? Fortunately for us, at exactly the right time we were told about Martie and she introduced us to thinking preferences and learning styles along with all kinds of different things on how people learn and that one can enjoy learning. Things we had not really thought of before. It is definitely worth while visiting Martie whilst on this wonderful journey. She is a life giver who can assist you on your way to freedom.

Cathy Koetsier

At this time I came into contact with Martie Du Plessis , an educational consultant who was particularly interested in helping the people in home educating families to identify and understand their particular learning styles, and to consider the ways in which they interacted with and affected one another. A session spent with Martie was very enlightening, as we began to realise the obvious - that people, in their uniqueness, both gather and organise information in different ways. Thus a child who seemed oppositional and difficult and downright disobedient quite possibly just had a different learning style to the parent.

Manie & Maryke Grobler

Dynamis has given us the opportunity to learn about the many aspects of home education and the wide variety of curricula available. But more than that, Martie has helped us discover how we can best serve our children through using appropriate learning styles. As a result, our family unit is stronger.

We have been home-schooling our 5 children for the last 14 years. It's been an existing journey. We started off on a bit of a formal route but soon discovered that true learning and business (traditional schooling methods) are not the same thing. Dynamis/Martie played an important role in our quest to finding a new road to venture on.

Family has always been central in our daily walk. We decided early on that a Matric certificate won't determine our vision for our children. Rather, we always tried to keep our focus on discipling our children and giving them a warm and loving environment in which to grow and develop them individualy as persons with eternal value.

Now, with our eldest already spreading her wings and our second daughter joining her next year at University we can say with confidence: WE HAVE NO REGRETS home-schooling our precious Blessings.

Manie en Maryke are instrumental in setting families free from fear in their homeschooling journey.
Email Maryke

Dene Thompson

Our time with you was invaluable - thank you! I cannot begin to tell you how encouraged, and envisioned we were. You helped us in more ways than you realize. I have become more aware of my children's unique needs and why they are the way they are and that helps me to give them space to be who they are! It has also helped me to understand the potential areas of weakness and to be able to encourage them to strengthen themselves in those areas ie: finishing tasks etc.
Our time with you also helped me to understand and accept myself more, and to be able to understand my husband better. So all round it was a very helpful, and liberating time, that instilled much hope and vision in our family.
Thank you for the gift you are to the body of Christ, home educators and families.

Riaan & Marcel

Ek is 'n tuisskoolma van vier kinders. Martie het hier by ons 'n seminaar kom aanbied en ons het ook 'n konsultasie by haar gehad. Wat 'n FEES!! Die seminaar was so leersaam en opbouend. Ons almal het lekker ge-"connect" as 'n groep omdat Martie dit aangebied het op so 'n lekker geselstrant. Jy het nooit ons aandag verloor nie. Geestelik was dit ook baie bemoedigend. My man het die hele seminaar saam bygewoon en het dit net so geniet, soos al die ander pa's wat ook daar was. Ons het verfris en met nuwe moed daar uitgestap!
Die konsultasies was fantasties (dit was selfs nog beter as die seminaar!). Ons almal het soveel geleer en het dit regtig begin toepas by die huis. Mens kan sien Martie weet waarvan sy praat en dat sy baie ondervinding het in hierdie veld. Dit was wonderlik om ons eie leervoorkeure te kon sien asook ons kinders s'n. Dan verstaan mens jouself, jou eggenoot en jou kinders soveel beter en as gevolg daarvan hanteer mens mekaar beter! Ek wens so ons kon hierdie dinge geweet het toe ons begin het met tuisskool jare gelede - dan het ek verseker baie minder foute gemaak! Ons stap nou ons tuisskoolpad vorentoe met baie meer opgewondenheid en kennis. Die feit dat Martie verder beskikbaar is via epos wanneer mens raad nodig het, is net so wonderlik - dit maak mens rustig om te weet hulp is nie ver weg nie!
Ek sal hierdie ervaring vir almal aanbeveel! Selfs al tuisskool jy al vir jare! Ons as gesin het gegroei deur hierdie ervaring en ek weet ons gaan aanhou groei as gevolg daarvan. Ek het baie meer vrede met myself en met my kinders en ons geniet ons tuisskool nou baie meer. Martie help ook die pa's om 'n visie vir hul gesin te kry - dit maak daarvan 'n spanpoging, soos tuisskool veronderstel is om te wees!

Coenie & Thea Swanepoel

Liewe Martie,
Graag wil ons jou bedank vir die voorreg om jou werksessie by te kon woon, in Maart'08. Dit was wonderlik en baie insiggewend. Ons het die werksessie bygewoon omdat ons eintlik die Saterdagoggend 'n profiel-ontleding wou laat doen deur jou van ons gesin. Om by die profiel-ontleding uit te kom, moes ons die Vrydagaand deur jou tuisskool-onderrigsessie sit. Dit was baie interessant, maar soos jy weet, was ons hardekop en wou ons niks weet van tuisskool-onderrig nie; maar alles wat jy daardie aand vertel het, het bly vassteek in ons koppe! Die profiel-ontleding was insiggewend. Hier het ons uitgevind dat ons seun, Coenraad 'n "regterbrein" is en eintlik iemand is wat alles wil beproef, ontwikkel en ontdek! Ons het ook uitgevind dat my dogtertjie, Martenique, al een is van die gesin wat haar hele brein gebruik! Jy het ons ook ingelig dat altwee kinders uitstekende kandidate is vir tuisskool-onderrig en goed daarin sal vaar.
Ongeveer twee maande nadat ons by jou was, was Coenraad sieklik, soos gewoonweg en weer vir 3 weke afwesig by die skool. Na toetse is ons ingelig wat hom makeer en dat 'n spesiale diëet baie noodsaaklik is vir hom, om hom gesond te kry en so te hou. Ongelukkig by die hoërskool koshuis waar hy gebly het gedurende week, was dit onmoontlik om so 'n diëet te volg. Ons het toe besluit om hom tuisskool-onderrig te laat doen. Sederdien het hy mooi gesond geword. Was nog nie weer siek nie en het nog nie een keer weer vir pynpille gevra nie. Hy is sommer stralend van geluk en loop permanent met 'n glimlag rond.
Ons wil net vir jou baie dankie sê vir jou ondersteuning, inligting en verdraagsaamheid met ons gesin. Daar is nie veel mense soos jy op dié aarde nie en jou opregte belangstelling word opreg waardeer. Nogmaals baie dankie,
Coenie, Thea, Coenraad en Martenique Swanepoel

Ivor & Colleen Mumford

I would just like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your time on Wednesday. Even Tyler told me today that he was so glad we came to you, because you told us to give him a workbench! I got him to take some screws and fischer plugs out of his bedroom walls today, and he did it with great gusto! (We are in the process of making his bedroom into a workshop.)
He quite loves the idea of being able to move around a lot more. Today, when he wanted to go out more frequently, I allowed him, whereas I usually get irritated because I think he is just wanting to waste time. (I did not realise that he actually needed it!)
You have helped us see things so differently, and we are excited at the prospect of making great changes in our homeschooling day, as well as in our dealings with one another. It has given me insight into Tyler's character, and knowing what is normal for him.
Thank you so much for your ministry, not only to us, but to so many families!

Karen Dawes

Dear Martie
I wanted to take the time and write to you Martie, to tell you, once again, how valuable your consultation was to us (in February in Paarl). The advice you gave us has helped me, my children, and our family immensely. It is also the first time I've ever seen my husband respond to someone challenging him so well, and so it has strengthened our family as well. I found your profiling so incredibly helpful, as now when situations arise I feel I know my children and can really respond to them in a healthy way - for example, my second son is very emotional, and that he and my youngest want to be ON me all day, that my eldest is wired similarly to me and hence as intense!
My eldest was greatly challenged helping me cook dinner for a month - in the beginning he cried every night...but by the end of it his attitude had been transformed and he had really stepped into the game so to speak. . My second eldest's task was to lay the table (he is usually in the kitchen with me) and taking him out of his natural comfort zone was very interesting as well. I wondered if you could suggest any other tasks at home that would stretch them to use the parts of their brain that are uncomfortable to them?
We've also adjusted our school day which I am finding refreshing, and seem to able to accomplish more which is just lovely.
Martie, once again, thank you and we intend to attend the CHE lectures you'll be giving in May - I do hope they give you a large auditorium as I'm telling all my friends about you!

Len & Wilna Dekker

Op Woensdag 28 Augustus 2013 het ons Martie se seminaar in die Paarl bygewoon en ons lewens sal nooit weer dieselfde wees nie. Martie se op-die-man-af-aanslag en die kennis, insigte en ondervinding wat sy met soveel liefde en passie deel het ons siening en ingesteldheid omtrent onderrig en opvoeding van ons kinders, en die rol wat ons daarin behoort te speel, permanent kom verander. Ek sien tuisonderrig as 'n roeping wat God in mens se hart kom plant en weet mens kan dit slegs met Sy hulp aanpak. Maar ons is ewig dankbaar vir 'n mens soos Martie, wat deur die Here geroep en opgerig is, wat ons op die pad kan begelei. Ons familie-konsultasie by haar was 'n wonderlike ervaring. Sy is geseën met fyn waarnemingsvermoë en 'n gawe om 'n mens in 'n japtrap op te som. Dit was sommer baie pret om te hoor hoe akkuraat sy elkeen van ons kon peil! (Ons 4 kinders reken sy is baie "cool"). Ons heg groot waarde aan die riglyne wat sy vir ons as gesin gegee het en is baie opgewonde oor alles wat vir ons voorlê op hierdie reis. Sonder haar insette sou ons ons dalk vinnig in 'n doodloopstraat bevind, of ver ompaaie moes stap. Maar met God in die eerste plek en Martie in die tweede plek wat deel vorm van ons span, is ons glad nie angstig oor wat vir ons voorlê nie, en weet ons dat daar opwindende tye op ons wag.
Dankie Martie, dat jy deel bly van die proses en dat jy bereid en beskikbaar is om ons vorentoe te help. Dankie dat jy jou deur God laat lei en dat Sy Woord ook jou Waarheid is. Jy het op 'n baie besondere manier in ons harte ingekruip en ons bid dat die Here jou nog ryklik sal seën in hierdie bediening!

June Oliver

With Martie's visionary approach, she helps parents change, so that their children can prosper. She has a gift to simplify the education process, and speaks with authority, as she is living what she is teaching, and has seen the fruit of the application of this vision in her own daughter's life.
We will see the fruit of the groundbreaking work she has been doing, in generations to come, as whole, well equipped children, that is walking in their Godly calling and destiny, is released into society.

Bertie en Anlia Swanepoel

Toe ons 3 kinders gebore is, het Bertie, my man, al besluit dat sy kinders nie sal skool toe gaan nie. Sy redenasie was: "Ek is mos met 'n juffrou getroud." Ons het niks van tuisonderwys af geweet nie, maar ek het geweet dis die pad wat ons gaan loop. Ons boer in Smithfield distrik in die Suid-Vrystaat met Merino-skape. Ek het tipies soos 'n juffrou begin skoolhou ten spyte daarvan dat ons Martie gaan sien het. Ek was op die een kurrikulum na die ander en toe my oudste kind twaalf was, het ek gesien ek gaan uitbrand. Ons het Clarens toe gery en 'n seminaar bygewoon by Martie. Dit was 'n belewenis vir ons. Dit het vandaar sommer baie beter gegaan. Ons kinders het gefloreer en danksy Martie, kon ons elke kind stuur in die rigting waarin hy/sy belangstel. Vandag het ons dogter Anneli, haar eie gasteplaas en doen sy ook graag naaldwerk. Sy maak ook elke jaar die hanslammers groot en verdien so 'n ekstra inkomste. Albertus en Jacobus boer saam met hulle pa. My kinders is al drie goed aangepaste en gebalanseerde jongmense. Dit was 'n wonderlike voorreg en genade om hierdie pad enduit saam met ons kinders te stap.

Guest Farm

Paul and Elize Lambrechts (Free State)

Our family has been homeschooling for 14 years now! After seminars and a few consultations with Martie, we've surely learned something new each time and grew in an innovative way to equip our whole family. We have a different perspective of the world and the ways of learning. As a homeschooling family we never stop learning new things.
We highly recommend Martie's seminars as well as her products to all new and old homeschooling families. Martie is an absolute mentor to our family and will always be. Our eldest son is currently studying engineering at university and my middle child has just finished his GED and SAT. The opportunities our homeschooling journey gave my children is amazing, with unique skills that developed over time for the future. We've got the freedom to learn, have more time to spend with the family and to serve others around us.
The Word of God and all His promises throughout the years were our guidance and motivation. All the Glory to God.
Elize email

